We have 4 units

Rainbows aged 4-7 meet on Wednesdays 5.30 to 6.30
Rainbows is all about developing self-confidence, building friendships, learning new things and having fun. Girls get their hands dirty with arts and crafts, get in touch with nature and play games – it’s all about learning by doing.

Brownies aged 7-10 meet on Wednesday 6.30 to 7.30
Brownies introduces girls to a world of new opportunities, challenges and fun.

Girls go along to camps, holidays, day trips and sleepovers. They get together with their friends at regular meetings where they learn new hobbies, get creative, explore other cultures and have outdoor adventures.
As well as trying activities in their meetings, girls choose from interest badges related to things they want to know more about.


Guides aged 10 – 14 meet on Wednesday 7.30 to 9.00
Guides have an exciting and varied programme designed to inspire and challenge girls from 10-14.

What you do in Guides is up to you, from taking part in lots of exciting activities at regular meetings to special events and trips away.You will choose from different badges and awards which will help you learn new skills and try new challenges. You can do some of this on your own and others you’ll do in groups in your regular unit meetings.

Rangers aged 14+ meet on Wednesday 7.30 to 9.00 Girls aged 14-18 join Rangers. It’s all about taking the lead and finding new challenges.

With guiding girls have fun, adventure and the space to discover their potential.

They go to their first ever sleepover, canoe on rivers, learn about body confidence, and lead their own camp. Or sometimes they simply have fun and try new things with friends.
Girls take what they do in guiding with them as they grow up. Everything from working in a team, to taking the lead, to speaking out on issues they care about. It helps them develop the skills and confidence to become the young women they want to be. And to make a difference to the world around them.


There are five interlinking principles that run throughout our programme. These are known as the Five Essentials.

Working together in small groups
Encouraging self-government and decision making
A balanced and varied programme which is girl-led
Caring for the individual
Sharing a commitment to a common standard.

If your daughter is interested in joining us please visit the girlguiding.org.uk and follow the join us link for your daughter our units are 1st Beaconridge Rainbows
132nd Birmingham Brownies and 132nd Birmingham Guides and Rangers.
Or contact Fiona 07863029152 or email beaconridge132rbg@gmail.com

Hope this helps please let me know if there is anything else you need